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What's the best weapon to use in Apex Legends Season 14? It's been a few seasons since a new weapon was last introduced to Respawn's frantic battle royale game, but the developers continue to make changes and tweaks each season to help populate (or alter) the meta as they see fit. There are 28 weapons in season 14 vying for supremacy, and they can all be used to win games if you shoot them, but we know you. You want the best.

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Below you'll find a list of the best Season 14 Apex Legends weapon tiers, along with detailed stats and profiles for each weapon in the game. So if you're looking to properly understand how different weapons stack up against each other after implementing the latest changes, you're in the right place.

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There are many nuances to the different weapons in Apex Legends. Sometimes a weapon can be a huge disappointment until it gets a certain attachment, after which it becomes one of the best weapons in the game. So take this tiered list with a grain of salt, but if you're a new player, let this tiered list inform your decisions until you know enough to make a more nuanced decision.

NOTE: Damage is given in the table below as Head Damage/Body Damage/Leg Damage, and in the reload column you will see the speed of empty reloads and non-empty reloads.

Consistency is an important trait when choosing which weapons to bring into Apex Legends late game. With its high rate of fire, accuracy, and reliability at nearly any range, the R-301 Carbine narrowly beats the Flatline for best assault rifle in Apex Legends.

Don't let the Flatline's relatively low DPS fool you - this is definitely an S-tier pistol. It hits hard and doesn't require a barrel, so it's easy to learn recoil mode. A fantastic all-rounder that destroys when you hook up your footage.

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Hip shots are poorly accurate and rely on turbochargers to reach their full potential, but keep the mighty Havoc out of the upper tier. But this weapon is stronger than almost any other mid-range weapon, and that alone should win you the fight.

If you can get used to explosive weapons, Hemlok will shatter. It's accurate, agile, and has the highest DPS of any assault rifle. Unfortunately, it's too difficult to use, which makes it less stable and therefore generally inferior to other assault rifles.

The Volt's claim to fame has always been its high precision. This powerful energy-based SMG can be quite happily used at mid-range. In Season 14, it's again part of floor loot and not just limited to supply drops, so expect to see a lot of players using this extremely reliable SMG in the future.

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The newest addition to the SMG roster, the CAR has slightly higher DPS than the R-99 and has good flexibility in carrying both light and heavy ammo. Its only downside is that it's the least accurate of the SMGs, and doesn't require a barrel attachment, so hipfire accuracy remains the same no matter what.

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The R-99 is one of the most popular weapons in Apex, and it has been since the beginning. Its amazing rate of fire more than makes up for its low single-shot damage, and it's an absolute smash for those who can manage its massive recoil. In Season 14, we put it right above the CAR in the tier list, because with the laser sight, the R-99 is ridiculously accurate in hip-fire mode.

The Prowler's five-shot burst makes it a challenging weapon to use on the spur of the moment, but once you hit all five, you'll deal impressive damage in a short amount of time. It's essentially Hemlok turned into an SMG. It's certainly a powerful weapon, but I don't think it competes well with other SMGs on the market.

Alternators are similar to Volts: less damaged, but more accurate. Despite its lower damage, it's still a powerful weapon that has been wrongly overlooked by many player groups. If the Prowler is the Hemlok of SMGs, the Alternator is the Flatline.

The Spitfire's high damage and high magazine capacity make it a terrifying fight, because with the Spitfire you can keep shooting until your opponent dies. It is the most reliable LMG and can deal tons of damage over the course of a fight.

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The Rampage fires slowly, hits like a truck, and when loaded with thermite grenades, it has one of the highest DPS values ​​in the game. The only reason this airdrop-only LMG didn't make it to the top ranks is that it was too slow and unwieldy to use at below-average ranges, and its slow rate of fire also made it harder to track down enemies and quick kill

The L-Star used to be easily the best LMG in the game, but a series of nerfs to its accuracy and damage really took a toll on its strengths. It's an ammo-heavy weapon that's powerful at close range, and if you master its overheat mechanic, you'll be able to keep firing without reloading. But these days only guns are used.

Devotion is a formidable weapon that can hear your opponent speed up, but overall it has way too many flaws. It's big, not very accurate, and its slow start-up time means that even with the turbo installed, you can get quick kills with more powerful weapons before the Devotion reaches its full potential.

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In capable hands, the G7 Scout can really be very powerful. I'm not a fan of the double-tap trigger, but in single-shot mode, it's easy to fire at any distance, knocking down enemies in a fraction of the time. With so many other options for powerful single-shot weapons these days, it's hard to sell someone the Scout.

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The Bocek bow is a very unusual weapon. It's by no means an easy weapon to use, but it's very accurate and its arrows go as fast as bullets, considering how fast you can hit and draw another arrow to follow up your first Arrows, each arrow does a ridiculous amount of damage shot.. Definitely the most powerful marksman class weapon in Apex right now.

The Triple Take occupies an unusual area of ​​the Apex arsenal, as its narrower and narrower triple-shot range can be used very effectively at both very far and very close range. As such, it's a versatile weapon, but needs to be recharged every shot to reach its full potential. Overall, it just doesn't match the effectiveness of more specialized weapons.

The 30-30 Repeater Rifle is a difficult rifle to use. Its closest competitor is the G7 Scout, which I think is the better choice overall. But with the addition of Skullpiercer Rounds as a possible accessory in 30-30, he can do some serious damage with a headshot, then quickly turn into a kill with a quick follow-up shot or two. It's a good weapon, just not the most reliable source of damage.

Some modest nerfs to the Care-Package-only Kraber in Season 13, combined with the benefit of helmet headshot protection, means the Kraber isn't as game-changing as it used to be. Having said that, he still does 140 damage per body shot, which is too scary to ignore.

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The Charging Rifle's charged scanning beam and high damage potential make it an excellent long-range penetration device, especially powerful at higher tiers when upgraded with EVO shields at long distances. It's harder to use at medium and close range than other snipers, and it's not a great weapon for the kill, but for sweeping fights at long distances and forcing your enemies to run out of their meds before the final fight, there's nothing like This is even better.

The Longbow is the fastest-firing sniper rifle, and while it does less damage per shot than its competitors, 55 damage is nothing to sneeze at. Not to be underestimated, but I'd still put it under other sniper rifles simply because the damage from the stronger bolt action is just too useful.

For some reason, when I have a Sentinel in my hand, I don't miss it. I can't explain it. But it works well for me because the Sentry is like a mini Kraber, doing massive damage with one bullet. When you load it with a pair of Shield Batteries, the damage increases even further, making the Sentinel a truly terrifying weapon. The downside, of course, is that, being a bolt action rifle, it's bulky and slow to use.

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Mastiff is currently the only Care

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