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David Sirota Meltdown

David Sirota Meltdown

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The Rise And Fall Of The Neoliberal Order

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Lever is a reader-supported investigative news outlet that looks at responsible people and corporations. Lever was founded by award-winning investigative journalist David Sirota, co-author of Don't Look Up and presidential campaign speechwriter for Bernie Sanders, and the Pioneering Investigative Journalists Group. The infighting between different parts of Sanders's team became public. A tension that has been rife since the beginning. | AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

As election results came in across the country on Tuesday evening, current and former Bernie Sanders aides suddenly took to social media, trading accusations that they were "tone deaf," "don't give a damn about the base" and even stole infrastructure. 2020 campaign.

David Sirota Meltdown

The conflict sparked a long-running public rift between various factions within Sanders's team during the primary race. But they have shown how difficult it is for top Sanders lieutenants to control even their own former staffers, which could derail efforts at party unity during the general election.

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Progressives and former Sanders aides worry about how the Vermont senator can keep the movement alive after his exit from the primary, which has sparked a round of soul-searching protests across the country against police brutality. .

Jonathan Tassini, author of "Essential Bernie Sanders and His Vision for," says, "The firing squad of the left never rests and never skips a victory." America" ​​and a national surrogate for Sanders in 2016. "Now that the progressive movement has had the opportunity to speak to millions of people, I find it sad and troubling that this kind of conflict is happening."

The feud began when former Sanders speechwriter David Sirota took shots at a political task force that Sanders and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden created to heal partisan differences. Former campaign manager Faiz Shakir and Annalia Mejia, Sanders' former national political director, have been talking about the effort along with Biden advisers Ron Klein and Anita Dunn, who have been shunned by some progressives for consulting with disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. A New York Times poll, according to a BuzzFeed news report. (SKDKnickerbocker, the firm in which Dunn is a partner, was not Weinstein's client at the time of writing.)

"I don't know who needs to hear this, but most of us don't want to hear Beltway political operatives bragging about special powers," Sirota tweeted. "Jfc - try to listen a little."

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That prompted current Sanders spokesman Mike Kaska to issue a blast just before 11 p.m. About the progressive newspaper Sirota currently works on after managing a similar project on the 2020 campaign. The publication offers a paid annual subscription option for $50.

"[D]amn right," Casca tweeted, "real change happens when you steal a campaign email list and use it to create your own paid newsletter. Why can't anyone see it? Subscribe if you can anyway."

The sudden comments exposed deep frustration among Sanders' top aides over the campaign's missteps, with some former aides second-guessing him. Along with Kaska, Shakir on Tuesday hit out at former Sanders aide Winnie Wong, who has publicly lashed out at him and top adviser Jeff Weaver for weeks over their actions during the primary and after the campaign.

David Sirota Meltdown

Wong called Shakir and Shemane "narcissists", saying, "They don't care about the grassroots. They care about their political work in the square. Naming the enemy is a must and I just did it."

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Shakir replied: "I hate to get involved, but this is ridiculous. Trump's opponents, but I'm the real enemy. Why? I'm trying with every fiber of my being to elect Bernie, but he comes second. And then I'm trying to do it. To move in a progressive direction and defeat Trump." First place.

Disagreements among Sanders' staff are not new. In the primary, Sirota and pollster Ben Tulchin spoke with Shakir and other top aides on how to beat Biden. Sirota and Tulchin advocated a more aggressive approach, but Sanders, a longtime opponent of negative campaigning, refused to take much of their advice. Shakir, who some of his employees described as non-confrontational, saw his role in carrying out Sanders' vision and followed his boss's lead.

Sirota was barred from traveling on the campaign trail outside Washington, D.C., in January after he used his campaign newsletter to promote Sanders' assessment of Biden's "massive corruption problem."

Sirota, who did not comment for the story, later deleted a tweet about the task force. Casca Sirota does not appear to be referring to Sanders' famous gaggle email list, which he did not use for his newsletter, but to those who signed up for the product during the campaign. Sirota, who published his own newsletter before joining the 2020 campaign, launched his new newsletter by telling recipients, "If you want to unsubscribe, go to the bottom of this email and do it."

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Even Sanders' closest adviser was troubled by some of the attacks on the campaign. Bernie Sanders' wife, Jane Sanders, believes that this conflict is ineffective and unfair, as it is particularly targeted at Shakir and Weaver. If former staffers want to take the blame, she believes, it should go to anti-Sanders PACs, the mainstream media and candidates she believes will undermine Sanders, the source said. There is no accountability for the influence and those who took them, those mistakes will be repeated when the next progressive goes."

Weaver tried to play down the situation Wednesday, saying, "Both (Casca and Sirota) were valuable teammates and both made incredible contributions to the campaign and I'd be happy to work with both of them again." "Anyone who knows Victory Comics knows I'm a nerd. So let me be clear to America: nerds are not the enemy."

In the interview, Shakir said it's unfair to call Sanders' orbit a mess because "you're talking about some independent workers."

David Sirota Meltdown

"I'm proud of the achievements of the campaign, and as long as people want to deliver what we want to do, I'm not going to accept it. We were a great team, it was a great effort. We had disagreements. On a few things here and there, but we all worked hard for the same goal. And some people It's frustrating that there are people who want to deflect attention away from critics.

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The timing of Shakir's comments on social media is interesting: Although he still endorses Sanders, he said he hasn't been on the campaign's payroll since mid-May.

"Now they don't have Bernie Sanders telling them they can't do it, so they're officially doing it," another former staffer said of the heated exchange between 2020 aides on Twitter.

The staff was quick to come to Shakir and Weaver's defense on social media. Josh Orton, a senior adviser to Sanders, tweeted about Wong's tweets: "Trump chews out peaceful protesters as fascists and you call these people enemies? The people who did everything to elect a presidential candidate with the most aggressive criminal justice plan in history? And you're starting a super pac? Winnie." I love you but...”

"In what universe is Faiz the enemy here? Let's hit Trump, not each other," wrote Bill Niederdt, Sanders' former deputy chief of staff in Iowa. Wong replied: “The

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