Dave Rabbit Sweatshirt - July 15, 2012: It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I announce the architect behind and creator of Radio First Termer (RFT), C. David DeLay, Jr., a.k.a. Our beloved "Dave Rabbit" passed away on January 20th, 2012. He was 63 years old.

The only memory that seems to have left one of the twenty-odd days of pirate transmissions from Saigon has been near and dear to my heart since I first heard the tapes in high school. In 2005, David came across this situation while helping one of his sons with a research paper on the Vietnam War. David contacted me and what had been a very long and rewarding relationship began growing at this point. I would have met him right away in 2007 if my plans were to travel to San Antonio, TX for a professional interview that year. When I was going through Facebook posts this week and came across a picture I was tagged in, I learned that Dave had passed back in January. I am shocked that he has been so influential in my life that anyone who knows me knows that I have this streak of irreverence and defiance.

Dave Rabbit Sweatshirt

Dave Rabbit Sweatshirt

I will continue to use this website as a memorial to Radio First Termer and Dave Rabbit in the hope that Radio First Termer will continue to exist in "The Cloud" and will continue to strengthen Dave's fervent faith in not supporting unpopular wars. forces sent in those wars. The brave men and women of our military deserve and will always have our support! I miss Dave very much. Rest in peace, my friend!

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MP3 files (large files - allow the player to load - the time will vary depending on the speed of your connection. TO DOWNLOAD to your computer, put your cursor on the short you want to extract, RIGHT CLICK ON YOUR MOUSE SHORT, click SAVE FILE AS, choose where the file will be saved in OSANNA IN THE WINDOW.)

February 9, 2006: The Dave Rabbit phenomenon finds its show made and surfaces to tell the true story behind Radio 1 Termer. He conducted a short autobiography about his experience in the Air Force during the Vietnam War and his short but forever memorable 21 days of radio broadcasting by the "Big 69" from a bunker somewhere in downtown Saigon in January 1971. Dave was interviewed on February 14. , 2006 included as a bonus feature on the DVD release of Sir! No Sir, a film by David Zeiger about the GI Anti-Vietnam War Movement and the counterculture of Vietnam. More updates to come to this page! Good morning!

(Large file - please allow the player to load - time will vary depending on the speed of your connection. TO DOWNLOAD to PC, P

Send your cursor through the shortcut you want to download, RIGHT click on the shortcut with your mouse, click SAVE FILE AS, choose where you want the file saved in the SAVE IN window.)

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Dave Rabbit Dildo Commercial.mp3 (1005985 bytes) Base Commander Interview.mp3 (4247387 bytes) Radio First Termer - Iraq Teaser Promo.mp3 (650890 bytes)

Pictures of Dave and his travels in South Vietnam "Vouchers" for the Ho Chi Minh Memorial House and Deli

Hello! This site is a tribute to Radio Primo Termer, a pirate radio station that operated for 21 glorious days out of prostitution in Saigon, South Vietnam in January 1971. Radio Primo Termer is hosted by Dave Rabbit, who is probably one of the smartest DJs out there. always honor the ether. Radio First Termer offered the soldiers in South Vietnam a much irreverent alternative to the AFVN. This page contains audio clips from what is believed to be the only radio broadcast. These audio files are duplicated on tape, the quality is not great. I got my first model of the first Termer Radio from a friend in high school. When I first got the sound card, one of the first things I did was to record the audio files of some selected moments on tape. I posted these pictures on USNETO in the fall of 1994 and received excellent reviews. So I thought it could be a good addition to the World Wide Web. When this website first started, the great reviews continued. This site was featured in a magazine article about the Sun (before the Sunday incarnation) and titled "Head of the Day" on January 10, 1996. In February 1996 I was contacted by another fan of Radio First Termer who told me he had a copy of the same thing and that he had a larger model of half a second's progress. He was kind enough to post his tape samples for me, and I in turn sampled selected spots and posted them on this site for First Termer radio fans around the world to enjoy. On February 9, 2006, the beloved Dave Rabbit became an internet phenomenon. discovered that he had become Radio Prime Termer and proceeded to claim his glory and tell the real story behind Radio Prime Termer through the release of his autobiographical retrospective of the events and experiences of those 21 days in January 1971 when the radio was hijacked by the "Big 69" from a bunker somewhere in Saigon , South Vietnam was spread.Since then, Dave and l I set out to modernize the First Termer radio website and Dave started work on the First Termer radio 35th anniversary show. More images from Radio Primo Termer are included in the upcoming documentary "Lord! No Lord," a film by David Zeiger about the GI Anti-Vietnam War Movement and Vietnamese Land Culture, and February 14, 2006, Dave. added bonus feature that will be included on the DVD release of "Sir, No Lord"! Since then, Dave has carefully considered his options, it is highly unlikely that the world has heard the last of the "Big 69" from Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). If anyone knows the unique source of this event, I would greatly appreciate the email. Dave made some twenty radio recordings from a shack somewhere in downtown Saigon, and from the memory from which the sound cards below were made, it is believed to be the only surviving recording of the first Termer radio. Who made the record and why remains one of the few mysteries surrounding Radio Primo Termer. By the way, if anyone has any other Primus Termer radio records, and would like to give me a copy of it (I'll do tapes or CDs and charge both ways), PLEASE email me and let me know. None of the program models that have come our way have been carried out in detail for a variety of reasons, as opportunities to "fill the gaps" are evaluated. FOIA REQUEST results: On May 21, 1997 I sent a FOIA letter to the Air Force hoping to find material related to Radio Primo Termer! Unfortunately, neither the 11th Wing nor the Pacific Air Forces were able to find any material related to Radio Primum Termer. Click here to see the text of the FOIA request letter and the responses I received from the Air Force.

Dave Rabbit Sweatshirt

To listen to these files, you need an MPEG Layer 2 or 3 decoder, such as WinAMP, Microsoft Windows Media Player, Apple Live Time, or XMMS (for non-Microsoft Windows users). WARNING: These files contain strong language that some audiences may find offensive and may not be suitable for children. Listener discretion is recommended.

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Mp3 files (large files - allow the player to load - the time will vary according to the speed of your individual connection. TO DOWNLOAD to your computer, put your cursor over the short you want to extract, RIGHT CLICK ON THE SHORT YOUR MOUSE, press SAVE FILE SEM, Then choose where you want the file saved in the SAVE IN window.) Complete set in 128 KBPS Stereo: RFT Bits & Gags 128KBPS Stereo (MP3 - 50, 132, 994 bytes) Complete in 32 KBPS Mono: RFT Bits & Gags32KBPS Mono (MP3 - 12 , 536, 416 bytes)

RFT000.MP3 (1130163 bytes) Login Message RFT001.MP3 (1285614 bytes) Introduction to Tonight's Program RFT002.MP3 (764031 bytes) Words from Toilet Wall #1 RFT003.MP3 (1340815shirt by Davetes Ra) Official Davetes Ra) Click here to Official The Dave Rabbit Sweatshirt takes another description. RFT004.MP3 (925363 bytes) "We're gonna get this next volume on..." RFT005.MP3 (340638 bytes) "Lives are like flies..." Come #1 RFT007.MP3 (290901 bytes) Mama Told

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